Saturday, March 28, 2009

Medical school nerd scale

1. you ever said, "Netter is God"
- i said, netter is King! = yes

2. you can discuss autopsy/anatomy over a meal
-not in the 1st week with cadaver =yes

3. you own a 4 color pen
-anatomy needs a lot of drawing = yes

4. -it's just isn't enough for you
- yupz! i owned about 12th!! +yes use more than one colour to take notes
-not the notes from the lecture, but yes =yes hv used up more than 6 highlighters in the past 6 months
-emm, yes? =yes have ever highlighted something YOU wrote
-sadly yes =yes

8.You haven't had a date in 3 months
it's complicated =yes

9.You haven't had a date since entering medical school
-emm, i'm not answering this question =0 have not been able to remember the normal term for something because you were
thinking of the medical term (ie reflux for heartburn)
-sometimes =yes get more sleep in lecture than at home
-of course!!Ting!Ting!Ting! =yes know the correct spelling for pruritus
- is it P.R.U.R.I.T.U.S.? =yes

13.-you also know what it means
-yes, =) =yes

14.You have ever asked a question in class
-err..yes? =yes

15.-The prof didn't understand the question
-he is =yes

16.-you didn't believe the answer the prof gave
-err,somehow i have b4 =yes

17.-you went to look it up to see if they were right
- yes =yes

18.You can't hold a conversation on anything other than med school
-I can't stand a conversation about med school in my non-medical mode!!! =no

19.You skip class to study
-only when the next day is exam =yes

20.You've said you didn't do well on a test on which you beat the mean
- really? what is the mean? =no

21.You spend more than 15hrs a week on email
-definitely not, i spend 15hrs on friendster,soccernet,onemanga, and facebook,blogspot =P =can it be yes?

22.You have a callous on your finger from writing
not yet =no

23.More than one professor knows you by name
-i don't think so =no

24.When you ask a question,a new professor have said "oh, i've heard of you"
- no =no

25.You can name more amino acids than past presidents
there only 4 past PM, amino acid is more than 20.. =no

26.You use more than 5 acronyms an hour when talking
only when in medical discussion? =no

27.You actually know what PERRLA stands for
is it Pupil Equal Round Reduced to Light Accomodation? =yes

28.You know all the steps of the TCA cycle
Oh my God! it's 1st year! =no

29.You do not read PTA as parent teachers association
err, yes..? =yes

30.You can remember the muscles in the forearm
please give me a 5 minutes to revise..damn!i've forgot! =no

31.You know the structures in urea cycle
yupz n no.

32.You know the dermatome distribution
Lalalala.Humpty Dumpty on the wall,what was my dermatome to remember all?
my thigh is L2 with lower half is L3, see,see, and from lateral to medial leg it is definitely L4 with L5 until the you count 4, and S1 at the little toe,alalalala

33.You can't remember what you have for breakfast
i have sardine roll's!wait. is it lunch or dinner? =no

34.You can't spell world, much less backwards
W.O.R.L.D. backward D.L.O.R.W. damn!! =no

35.You've ever been sexually aroused by the breast shadow on an x-ray
-that is sexually retarded! =no

36.You equate "morning stiffness" with rheumatoid arthritis

37.You actually know normal values for plasma sodium
135 is it?

it's 4.6,confirm!=)

39.Missing class causes you extreme stress
Attending full class for the whole week cause me extreme stress!!!! =no!!

40.You have seriously asked someone "So, how does that make you feel?"
Yes, it's part of history taking =Yes

41.You have asked will this be on the exam
- yes

42.-Just after prof said it wouldn't
-equally yes

43.You identify with Deb on ER
err, which one is deb? =no

44.You have made a medical joke
i think i ever mde once =yes

45.-no one laughed
sigh! too bad =yes

46.-You figured they just weren;t that far in their studying
- i'm the one far behind, huhuhuhu =no

47.You wear your stethoscope around your neck on the bus-never.
Please don't do that, capap petala langit ke 8 =no

48.-you don't even know which way the things goes in your ears
-that's 2 years ago, hahahaha =No

49."SOB" means shortness of breath to you
yup!definitely no System of A Down =Yes

50.You have gone to student health with suspicion of a disease you have studied
err, i think i ever diagnose myself b4 =yes

51.-within 3 days of the lecture
3days and half, hahahah yupz..=P

52.You have answered a question in class
- no

53.-asked by professor
- no

54.-it was a rhetorical question

55.You can quote lines from the movie "Malice"
- i can't remember this movie? all i remember is Peach Adam=no

56.-you believe them
- don't know =no

57.You can flip your pen over your thumb
- emm, wait,let me try.. hey! check this out! i can do it!! =yes

58.- with both hands
-wow, this must be from my subconcious mind! =yes

59.-you do so throughout class
- damn, if i do that, i'm parkinsonism!(pen rolling tremor) =no

60.You have corrected a professor in class
-never =no

61.-the rest of the class didn't understand the lecture to begin with

62.You know how to calculate specificity
err, no...

63.-positive predictive value
what the hell?? = no

64.-anion gap
a'ah! i know this one =yes

65.-you can't balance your chequebook
wait, emm, i think i can

66.You did't know what the weather was like for the past week
damn you, i know!

67.You didn't know what the weather is like right now
my bed is next to the window!

68.You actually talk in open ended questions
hahaha, it hv become habits!-yes

69.DIC isn't a slang term for the penis in your book
-of course it's not! =yes

70.You think B- is a bad grade
-that a pleasure to hv it, =no have stressed about a pass/fail class
Yeah!! =yes

72.You study during most of your meals
i seperated it from my meal. =no

73.You saw nothing abnormal about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
-wait, let me see, BEnjamin, Boon keat, no, they r abnormal!! =no

74.You draw all the slides not already provided in the handouts
damn!have to.. =yes

75.-including the cartoons (humerous type)
-laughter the best medicine.hahahaha =P =no

76.Anatomy makes you hungry
All of them makes me hungry faster =yes

77.You would even consider saying "Ease back on my finger at your own pace"

78.You know the size of a RBC
i think so, ? no?

79.-you didn't know the size of a football field
it is bigger that futsal and tennis court =yes

80.You eyesight has worsened by 10pts or more in a year
oh no!! =no

81.You have the library hours memorized
dadada, i only sit in the library this semerter only for DL and CRP =no

82.You have your own seat in library
if i went to, it would be almost same spot! =yes

83.You score more than 95% on the Epidemiology Final

84.You own more than 1 white coat
i only hv 1 =no

85.You have debated between giving up sleep or eating in order to find more time to study
- i sincerely gave up studying, hahahhaa =no

86.You started studying for boards more than 2 months in advance
err, i think, its 2 weeks =no

87.You have never received a personal invitation to discuss your grades with the dean
thankfully, never =yes

88.A tie is the only addition necessary to what you normally wear when you go to see patients - yes!! only during formal hour =yes

89.You wear scrubs to tests
i never see people wearing scrubs, but i've seen Heng with cool fever, hahahaha =P =no

90.You have made plans to study during vacations
ahahhaa, ever =yes

91.-you actually did
actually, it never happened =no

92.You have designated seat in lecture
Hahahaha, yes! during 2nd year

93.-You have ever asked someone to move away from "your seat"
-i think i hv hahaha =yes

94.You sleep less than 4 hours a night
-frequently yes i sleep a lot during day,hahhaha =yes

95.-you think that is plenty
-seriously NOT ENOUGH!! =no

96.-you thought about cutting back
-how dare you!! =no

97.You study more than 35hrs outside the class
i don't think so!! =no

98.You retype handouts given in class
i rewrite what lectrer taugh during class =yes

99.-you think you are a slackyard

100.You think everyone answer yes to the most of these questions
wait, let me count first!

<20 You're not in Med school. Go back to your party and leave us alone
21-35 Either Med school is a breeze or you like the sound of "Senor Doctor"
36-45 Gota love that Primary Care
46-60 Well, I never really thought about MD/Phd, but now you mention it...
61-75 Your social life is shot, misght as well try to earn lots of money
76-90 which surgery subspeciality did you say you liked?
91-100 All hail, great Med School Nerd Master

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't This looks like an awesome place to begin your academic program! The True Blue Campus at St. Georges University.
