Monday, October 19, 2009

17 October 2009

i got a feelin'

that tonight gonna be a good night

that tonight gonna be a good night

i got a feelin'...

it comes again..

everytime it come, it does give me a feelin..

i don't know how to describe it..

it's a mix of happy,sad,weird, n everything..

i'm happy coz i'm turning 22,

i'm sad becoz there still my last year resolve that i didn't able to make it,

i feel weird coz it juz like yesterday that i posted "17th October" a year ago,

i feel everything coz i didn't know if i become a better person since a year ago.

am i become have change from a boy to a man?

am i become reliable enough compared to a year ago?

am i have change in anyway of becoming more mature in giving thought, character or anything?


there is something that i certain..

i want to..

thank you ALLAH..

for the air, that I still breathing and my alveoli that neverstop working ..

for the heart, that still beating and my coronary vein still circulating..

for the blood that still flowing and no thrombus blocking..

for the brain, that still thinking and my thought that still growing..

for the eyes, that stil seeing eventhough the power had increasing..

for the ear that, still hearing and the beats that i'm rhytming ..

for the hand, that still typing without RA or anything..

for the leg, that still walking and i bet i can running..

for the 22 years of life, and i’m still having..


Tuhan jangan kau ambil nafasku
Sebelum ku bersujud pada-Mu
Tuhan panjangkan umurku
Aku ingin bersyukur pada-Mu

Ajari aku mengenal-Mu
Ajari aku mendekatmu
Ajari aku untuk mencintaimu
Bisakah aku mengingatmu
Bila ku tak pernah bertemu
Yang aku bisa hanya menyebut nama-Mu

Tuhan jangan kau cabut nyawaku
Sebelum ku bertobat pada-Mu
Tunjukkan aku jalan lurus-Mu
Agar tak sesat lagi jalanku

Aku bersyukur aku disayangi
Aku bersyukur aku dicintai
Aku bersyukur aku Kau miliki
Aku bersyukur Ya Allah

Syukur pada-MU YA ALLAH,
diatas segala nikmat yg kau berikan padaku ya ALLAH,
sesungguhnya cukup segalanya nikmat yg kau beri,
sesungguhnya aku hanya lah hambamu yang hina,
yang tidak mengenang jasamu..
yang masih lalai dalam menunaikan tanggungjawab ku padaMU,
ampunkanlah ku YA ALLAH..

i love this lyric, even though i had posted it a year ago, i still want it,

“Menjalani hitam putih itu membuatkanku mengerti,
erti hadir-Mu dalam setiap langkah-langkahku beerti,
melewati setiap detik waktuku bersama takdir-Mu
membuatku mengerti hanyalah pada-Mu ku kembali.

ku bersujud kepada-Mu..
memohon ampunan-Mu,
adakah jalan untukku,
untuk kembali kepada-Mu…

aku lah para pencari-Mu, Ya ALLAH..
aku lah yg merindukan-Mu, Ya Rabbi,
tunjukkanku jalan yg lurus,
untuk ku tambatkan langkahku..

Jadikanlah aku para pencari-Mu, Ya Allah,
akulah yang merindukan-Mu, Ya Rabbi,
hanya di jalan-Mu, Ya Allah,
tempat ku pasrahkan hidupku..
adakah jalan untukku
kembali ke jalanMu ”

*ungu-Para PencariMu -Album Para PencariMu

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Segala puji bagi ALLAH Tuhan Sekalian Alam,

Ya ALLAH, untuk segala yg ada dalam hidupku, aku sedari semua milikMu, aku hanyalah hamba-Mu yg berlumur dosa , Ya ALLAH tunjukkan aku jalan lurusMu, agar aku dapat menggapai syurgaMu, terangiku dalam setiap langkah hidupku..

Ya ALLAH, ampunilah dosaku Ya ALLAH, sesungguhnya aku hanyalah hambaMu yg lemah lagi hina, hanya padaMu lah aku sembah dan memohon kemampunan, sesungguhnya Engkaulah Tuhan Yg Maha Pengampun.

Ya ALLAH, kau jadikanlah aku hambaMu yang soleh, yg taat pada perintahMu, yg meninggalkan laranganMu, yg menentang musuh-musuhMu Ya ALLAH, Yang menegakkan agamaMu,agama Islam di muka bumiMu, jadilah aku para pejuangMu..

Ya ALLAH, Engkau murahkan rezekiku, kurniakanlahku tubuh badan yang sihat dan cergas, akal yg cerdas, waras dan dapat memberi pertimbangan sewajarnya, terangi hatiku,kuatkan ingatanku, permudahkanlah aku untuk membaca, memahami dan mengaplikasikan ilmu yang perolehi dan lembutkanlah hatiku untuk berkongsi ilmu dgn rakan-rakanku Ya ALLAH

Ya ALLAH, Engkau terangkanlah hati rakan-rakan ku yang akan menghadapi peperiksaan supplementary minggu ni Ya ALLAH, terangi hati mereka, bantulah mereka, permudahkan urusan mereka, berilah mereka kekuatan untuk menghadapi dugaan ini Ya ALLAH. Lembutkanlah hati pemeriksa kertas mereka, dan juga doktor-doktor serta professor yang menilai mereka serta murahkanlah rezeki mereka ya ALLAH. Berilah kejayaan yang setimpal diatas usaha keras mereka selama berbulan-bulan Ya ALLAH. Ya ALLAh, berilah mereka kejayaan dalam peperiksaan ini agar mereka dapat bersam-sama kami terus berjuang Ya ALLAH. Bantulah hamba-hamba MU ini Ya ALLAH!

Ya ALLAH, perkenanlah cita-citaku dan rakan-rakan seperjuanganku, tabahkan hati-hati kami, kuatkan jiwa-jiwa kami, jadikanlah kami doktor-doktor yang amanah, cekap, bertanggungjawab, yang taat pada perintahMu, yang menentang kemungkaran, dan merawat pesakit tidak hanya pada jasmani, malah rohaninya. Perkenankanlah cita2 kami agar kami dapat menggembirakan ke2-2 ibu bapa kami, dan berbakti pada masyarakat, bangsa, agama dan negara.

Ya ALLAH, kurniakanlah kami pasangan yang soleh, keluarga yang bahagia dan dibawah payung rahmatMu.Ya ALLAH, kurniakanlah kami zuriat-zuriat yang soleh, yang taat mengerjakan perintahMu, yang menjadi pembela agamaMu yang seterusnya..

Ya ALLAH, jgn lah Engkau tarik nikmat iman yg telah diberikan kepada kami, kurniakan kami cahaya hidayahMu agar dapat kami menambahkan keimanan kami padaMu Ya ALLAH.Tempatkanlah kami di kalangan orang-orang yg soleh disisiMu Ya ALLAH..

Ya ALLAH, ampunilah dosaku, dosa kedua ibu-bapaku, dosa ahli keluargaku, dosa guru-guruku, dosa rakan-rakanku, dosa seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia ini, samada yang masih hidup atau telah meninggal dunia. Ya Allah Jauhikanlah kami dari azab dan nerakaMu Ya ALLAH, sesunguhnya tiada diantara kami yg sanggup dan menghadapinya Ya ALLAH, bebaskan kami dari bahang dan cengkamannya Ya ALLAH.

Ya ALLAH, sampaikanlah rahmatMu pada seluruh umat manusia Ya ALLAH, agar mereka sedar pada kekuasaanMu Ya ALLAH. Ya ALLAH, berikanlah kekuatan dan ketabahan pada saudara-saudara Islam yang ditindas dan diancam di Palestin, Semenanjung Gaza, Afganistan, Somalia, dan dimana saja di bumi-Mu Ya ALLAH. Sesungguhnya yg mati syahid berjuang menegakkan agama-Mu dijanjikan syurga yg kekal abadi olehMu. Ya Allah, Engkau berikanlah kekuatan kepada pesakit-pesakitku untuk menghadapi dugaan dan ujian dari Mu Ya ALLAH. Berikanlah mereka kesihatan Ya ALLAH.

Ya ALLAH, hanya padaMu aku berserah..




p/s:1) thank you to all my fren that had wish me happy birthday, sorry i couldn't get to you as i was driving my way to terengganu to visit my grandmother that night, sorry, =)
2) thank you for all the wishes i had starting from the 11:56pm on 16th october to the midnight of 17th october, =) especially to the 1st and the last,hehehe =D also i was thankful to all my birthday wishes through the fb
3) gudluck to all of my fren that gonna undergo the exam, especially to faris,fikri,shyful,saiful,wadi,pali, fikrihsairi, sairi,dzul&jash, qayyum,mukhlis,zuri, faiz,aziela,syuhada,farah,wini,azian,chaipin,zarina and err, whoever not on the list, all the best to all of u!

yang benar
-Bebola Ketam-

Friday, September 25, 2009

MBBS 3rd Final Exam

7th august 2009

For the third professional exam, we were emphasis on our clinical knowledge compared to the theory. for the exam, we have 3 parts that must be full filled before we were allowed to progress to the 3b. the first part was theory paper, which consist of 2 paper. the tricks is, we must pass all 3 parts,which means if we fail in any part of the exam we will required to go supplementary exam.

On the first day it will be the social preventive medicine and on the 2nd day will be the clinical paper(consist of medical, surgical, peads, primary care, o&g and forensic medicine). For the second part, it is an osce where we will have 20 question(3 question on the first day for social preventive medicine osce and 17 station on the day of exam) out of the 17 station, there will be 3 pcm station which is very crucial where we must perform a clinical skills in regards to the patients and questions.

for the third part, is a long case. This is the most challenging where the case vary from very simple URTI to the most complicated co-morbidity or even an undiagnosed patient. In the addition, the examiner also will vary from angels to the malignant. So, what you can hope is, get a good patient, good case and good examiner.

in my 3rd pro examination, for the theory paper, it was though and i hope there will be more time for me to answer the question. Generally, it was fair and we're still able to get the idea of the questions and how to answer them.

the next challenge was osce. i was put in the first group that will be taking the exam early in the morning. as early as 7.00a.m we're already in the exam ward, waiting for the briefing. it was raining and most of us already palpitation and restless due to pressure of previous paper and wondering the questions that will be asked. we were given coloured stickers and were directed to our station line. i started at the first station and will end at the last station, station 17.

as i sat at the seat, i see an ecg on the table, and guess what? out of nowhere i started to shivers and my brain become blur. during that time i cannot thinking a single thing on how to read them. i tried to cool down and try to describe whatever i see on the ecg, the rate,the rhythm and the pattern and i still blurr what is happening in the ecg infront of me. as the limited 5min almost up, i made a decision to 'tembak' the answer. i scribble about myocardiac infarction and later quickly put my answer in the box as i need to move to the next station and actually the answer is mobitz heart block.

on the next station, i saw this 'thing'(an instrument) on the table and at first my minds only telling me 'i hv seen this in the labour room, what the hell is this?' that time i were really depressed and i read 'selawat' a lot before realize it was a forceps that was used in the assisted delivery. i was really thankful and wrote it quickly as the bells aklready ringging. the same thing goes by for the next several station, as example the forniuer gangrene and even the tubal ligation, i was blurred. Luckily, for the pcm prctical, we got how to do spirometry, teaching how to do a breast examination to a patient and tuning fork. it was a success as the night before we have practicing all the possible practical question. at the end of the examination, we were required to be quarantine until the afternoon since other students not yet taking the examination.

the next thing was the long case exam and i was on the last day of exam. the formats was we were given an hour to clerk history and do physical examination + necessary simple investigation. As i walked in to my cubicle i see a malay uncle was sitting on the bed and my heart jumped with joy because it was not a peads cases because i didn't revise my developmental accessment skills, =D As i introduced myself to the patient, he told me he had inguinal hernia. i was relief as i have clerked a history of hernia before and already have an idea what history should i take from this uncle. However, UMMC's patients usually won't have a single problem. He also revealed he had heart valve disease before and now have a prosthetic heart valve. It was significant as i have to take account of his heart disease history into my presentation and also means, i have to do a proper CVS examination to this patient. This will took extra time. At the last 20minutes i was in a rush to complete all the examination and i even did a neurological examination in less than 3minutes. I was thankful to the nurses for helping me taking the blood sugar level while i'm examine the patient.

The bell's rings and now we were given 10minutes to ready our history before being called upon by the examiner. During that time, i didn't have time to rewrite my history as i always did before so i just put the no on the points so i can present my case clearly. Later, i was called into the room and infront of me sitting 2 examiner, which i believe 1 is a surgeon and the other is a medical doctor. I started to present the history and i present the case as a surgical case. At first, i was bombarded with the question by the surgeon but later, after the past medical history of heart disease, the medical doctor take turns bombarded me with more question. it was really tough time for me but i keep my cool and answer as best as i can. after 15minutes, the examiners and i went to the bedside and i was asked to perform inguinal and cvs examination. that is what you will got if u got a double pathology. i was relieve when he said the exam was over and i can go. it was really a relief since my heart is pumping at rate which i believe is tachy and i can feel palpitation since i woke up in the morning.=D

on the friday, the results was already out, and there were tears and joy among us. congratulation to those who passed the exam and to the others, i wish all of you all the best for supplementary exam.i hope we can go to final year together and if there is anyway i can be helpful, please let me know..

Thursday, September 24, 2009

KLANG: The End n Starts of new journey

11 July 2009 3.30 a.m

as days goes by, we actually didn't realize how much have we left behind. Our time in Klang have come to the end and now for the exam, we were back to um for mbbs phase 3a exam. when we come to this stage, we will started thinking, what have they done in the past 11 months in Klang, coz by this time, there were soo much things to do but soo little time left. I bet everyone feel the same as the exam is around the corner. =D

my fren once told me, 'it have came to an end, yet, i feel like i'm just moving in here yesterday..'
yups, me myself didn't realize it because of our hectic schedule and the craziness we did here. As I remembered, during our posting, we prayed a week will go as fast as possible so we can relax in the weekends and now maybe our pray become true.

then, i started thinking of what have i done here;

openhouse rumah fadya di klang

visits to special needs school
peads posting with prof lee ws n dr chong la
barbeque x3
earth hour

stong expedition

crp bera

medicine posting with dr habibah

medicine posting with dr kt chua

treatment room of kk bukit kuda

with dr haireen

o&g end of posting party

with the end, there always a start and that's how life goes on. now, we were facing a war,our third professional exam. i hope all of my fren and i pass the exam and we're going to final year together. all the best to all of my fren..

CRP; behind the scene and debriefing

seyes jgn percaye, diorg men game nih, hahaha

yda sblum berbalut tangan, hahaha

besday fatin

stress nak analisis data

biase r, melepak

geng chinese gurl

geng chinese boys

aidy memulakan debriefing

aku ngan faiz xnak dengar, so kitorg gi melepak tempat laen

hehehe, kitorg lepak kat sini r

otw balik, nampak genting di atas awan, hehehe

diorg ni kalo wat keje mmg tekun..

dan cepat lapar, tgk, kan ade pizza smpai 5 kotak, hahaha

ni lak makan roti canai, siap buat teh lg. yan senyum2 tu nak mintak roti extra

haa, tgk, kan aku kate, cpt lapar, luas je mulut, hehehe

ni scene terkurung dlm library ni, hahaha

debriefing kt klang 1st day

pas present makan kfc pulak, hahaha, thanks to jamuna

ni menang elective presentation,jan pecaye kotak besar tu, hadiah cwan kecik je, hahaha

Monday, September 21, 2009

CRP visits photo album

Kenderaan sendiri bersama kenderaan tajaan pejabat kesihatan

1st visit; kg telemong, tgk sistem tadahan hujan

sanitary well(soklan exam)

klinik kesihatan pos iskandar
kg org asli pos iskandar; tempat membuat barangan kraftangan
ni perahu kraft
ni perahu betul

ni org betul dlm perahu betulp/s; cetek je tu

ni kenduri penduduk kg kuala triang
ni xde dlm plan asal;kempunan mandi di bukit tangga

wadi tukang bukak durian
visit JBA BERA
kilang kerepek
pakat nak jadi model kerepek
dari kiri, kejal,zarina,iliana,atifah,ayu,marium n tasha

yum..yum.. kerepek!!kilang sawit lak
tanaman gaharu di kilang ayam telur

lawatan ke rumah org tuaprojek ternakan ikan patin
tasik bera

nek bot

last shot sblum bateri flat, hahaha